a photo of the face of an orange cat


local paleo dyke


a photo of a fossil fly imprinted in a tan rock with white flecks


other places i am

a photo of a fossil beetle with its wing covers spread open imprinted in a pale beige rock

@amphibiousdyke on tumblr and twitter
metoposaur on flight rising
discord lizbian #3618

a photo of a mosquito trapped in yellow amber

~general dni criteria. if youre weird ill block you~
~if youre going to be weird about he/him lesbians or say that we are men, please leave~
~if you are going to gatekeep butch/femme identities please fuck off~
~i reclaim the slur dyke. i can tag it if needed but it may be better not to follow since it is in my username~
~if i am following you, please tag animal death/harm, jokes about suicide, and any visual depiction of/involving vomit (art, photo, video, etc)~

alt text is not available for the background image, so i am putting a description here.
[id: a photo of a fossil imprint of megneura, a large dragonfly, in tan stone. end id]

my kin list! this is all for funsies. doubles ily.

jade harley from homestuck
terezi pyrope from homestuck
wall-e the robot from wall-e